A question you may ask us when you’re looking to sell your property is; how do we know what marketing activities are needed to attract the most interested buyers?
With 25 years of experience selling properties across the Lower North Shore, the answer is that we have a great deal of buyer data. This allows us to understand who they are and how they search in order to deliver to our sellers marketing plans that work.
Below are just three of the activities we offer our sellers:
Digital marketing
We know that online marketing is a key part of any property’s campaign today. Domain.com.au, realestate.com.au and our own website, all drive enquiry and attendance at our OFIs. Weekly property email alerts to our extensive database also play a huge part in promoting your property to qualified, potential buyers.
Social media advertising
With social media being an integral part of our daily lives now, it clearly makes sense to promote our listings where people are already spending a significant amount of time. Facebook is Australia’s most widely used social network. Around 60% of Australians have a Facebook account and 50% of these users check it every single day. We can target potential buyers located within a 10km radius from your property and provide you with real-time reporting. (Pictured below a listing ad on Facebook and real-time results)
Our local magazine, On The Market
Print media may also be an important part of your plan. We recognised that many potential buyers attending our OFIs were located on the Upper North Shore. Together, with the Ray White Upper North Shore team we created a monthly magazine which showcases all our recent listings. 10,000 copies of the magazine are distributed across the Lower and Upper North Shore and seek to find potential buyers in these key areas.
View the latest edition here. (Pictured at the top)
If you would like more details on these three and all of the marketing activities we can offer you and your property, please get in touch below.